This is Not here - *//LIKE TEARS IN RAIN

Anna Wintour's letter

"But talent is a serious business," she finishes her column. "At Vogue, we do not take for granted the miraculous emergence, development, and ascendance of great artists. We depend on them for our livelihood. Without the likes of [Polly] Mellen, Adele, or Beyonce and the smashing of the rules that their progress gloriously entails, there is no culture worth celebrating. Olivier Theyskens's recent departure from Nina Ricci suggests to me that the vital role of artistic talent has been obscured in the current economic climate. My staff and I were shocked to learn that Theyskens's contract would not be renewed; and I am very concerned that the business of fashion is undervaluing the most important asset our industry requires: creative visionaries. There's a reason we continue to see Theyskens's influence everywhere, from catwalks to the mall. He'll be back, but fashion must hold its nerve. This is the mission that we at Vogue happily shoulder."

Olivier TheyskensがNina Ricciを去ったことに対して、Anna Wintourのような人がデザイナーの側に立ってその立場を明確にするというのが素晴らしいというか、流石だなと思いました。でも、Olivier Theyskensの件に関してはビジネスの問題(売り上げにあまり結びついていない)だったような気がするので難しいところかなとも思います。彼はCreator's Creatorというか、業界人受けは良かったという報道のされ方をしていたような気がするので。クリエイティブだけでも、ビジネスだけでも駄目なのですよね。その両輪が上手く噛み合わないと・・。


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